DP Ruto Criticizes the BBI in Machakos

[Photo: The Informer]

Deputy President William Ruto has yet again criticized the amendment of the constitution through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Addressing locals in Tala – Machakos County, Ruto noted that the BBI which is being pushed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM Boss Raila Odinga is not a priority for the country.

According to Ruto, leaders seeking elective positions in the August General Election should focus on addressing the issues the common mwananchi is facing.

He condemned those proposing to have the BBI implemented saying they are only seeking more leadership positions.

This comes as the BBI appeal hearing which started on Tuesday is currently ongoing at the Supreme Court, with parties involved expected to complete their submissions today.

“They are saying that they want to change the constitution and I ask what is the main priority for the country right now, changing the constitution or growing our economy first?” questioned the DP.

The DP also criticized the handshake between President Uhuru and Former Prime Minister Odinga, saying it interfered with the functionality of the Jubilee government, thus stalling a number of projects that were ongoing in the country. 

He says if elected as president in August, he will among others improve the country’s economy.

“It is the trickle down economy! It has failed for years since it aids patronage and cronyism, breeding cartels and monopolies that benefit just but a few. That is why we need the Bottom-Up Economic Model, it will create jobs and have more benefits than trickle-down,” said Ruto.

Ruto is also expected to visit Matungulu sub-county. Thereafter, he will head to Kangundo where he will engage locals before holding stopovers at Kivaani. 

He will also visit Kathiani and Mitaboni , before wrapping up in Joska.

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