Wiper’s Agnes Kavindu defends her education credentials as vote count begins in Machakos Senatorial race

Wiper party aspirant in the Machakos senatorial by-election Agnes Kavindu says she is already cleared by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) board. She is now urging the voters to continue turning out to practice their democratic rights.

She added that all security measures set in place are executing their role to maintain peace and order in the voter stations. However, she noted that bribery attempts were allegedly reported in Tala, Masinga, and Masii but the attempts were ineffectual. 

Urging people to turn out and exercise their democratic right, CAS Wavinya Ndeti said, “Many people right now are in their farms as the rains are almost here, I urge you to come out in great numbers and vote.”

She added, “I request the factory owners in the various factories In Athi River to allow their employees to come out and vote as it is their democratic right.”

The Independent and Boundaries Commission says voting is underway in all 1,335 polling stations across Machakos County, with more than 6000 voters already registered and more are expected as the day advances. Locals are voting for a senator, following the death of the Boniface Mutinda Kabaka. 

IEBC says security has been beefed with locals warned against causing chaos during the by-election.

IEBC also says it has not received any official communication concerning the withdrawal of candidates.

The commission maintains that all 11 candidates are on the ballot, even after Mutua Katuku of the Maendeleo Chap Chap Party withdrew from the by-election on Tuesday.

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka urged the voters to turn out in large numbers and commended the safety measures put in place to ensure a safe process throughout all the stations that will be conducting the process today.

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