Jan, 27th 2021 – County governments now have 60 days to debate and vote on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) after IEBC announced verification of 1.1 million BBI signatures. Speakers are mandated to present results to the National Assembly.
According to the BBI secretariat member Dennis Waweru, the document is set for higher success as it holds a number of advantages for the people of Kenya.
Waweru said, “For me I don’t see any difficulties, this won’t take a month. We are going to see the counties, the governors coming together and supporting this recommendation because it means well and it means more money to the counties and to the people.”
IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati, has availed the report to all 47 counties for further comprehension. In a statement, Chebukati said the commission carried out the verification exercise to confirm that the BBI is supported by at least one million registered voters, in regards to Article 257(4) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
The Commission has confirmed that the Initiative has been supported by 1,140,845 registered voters through verification of the data captured as of 19th January 2021.
At least 24 counties must propose the document in order to prepare for a referendum. If 24 counties oppose the document, it shall deem impossible for a referendum.
Waweru said, “We have heard 2010 Constitution which was a good thing, but we are doing with the amendment, first amendment of 2010 is making it even a better idea and so we are going to persuade people we are going to talk to people, we are going to explain without propaganda, what is in it for them in this document.”