Opposition leader Raila Odinga has accused Chief Justice Martha Koome of being irresponsible after meeting with President William Ruto at State House over corruption in the judiciary.
Speaking during the commissioning of the Maweni Water Project to Manda Primary school in Lamu, Odinga stated that the move would compromise the judiciary because the state house is a seat for the executive
“State House is the home of the Executive. That is where the president resides. If there is going to be a dialogue over issues of governance, it should be held in a neutral ground,” Raila said.
Odinga has pointed out that this further showed that “the judiciary has been held hostage by the executive,” and termed it as “an unfortunate development.”
”The Judiciary is being held hostage by the Executive, and we’ve seen this before. We saw it happen under the rule of Mr. Moi, and we’ve tried to caution the current CJ not to go to bed with the Executive,” Raila added.
Chief Justice Koome held a meeting with President Ruto at State House to address a stand-off arising from corruption claims on judges.
The claims were made by President Ruto who accused unnamed judges of working with cartels to frustrate the government agenda following injunctions on his legacy projects of health and housing.