High court declines request to stop ‘dishi na county’ program

From right President William Ruto, Nairobi Women Rep Esther Passaris & Nairobi Governor Sakaja, sharing meal with Children, [photo: Standard Media]

The Nairobi county government school feeding program has received a backing by the court after it declined a request by a petitioner to stop the program.

In a court ruling by Justice Mugure Thande, stopping the program will be prejudicial to children who are benefiting from it.

She added that the petitioner did not show any negative effects of the program hence a need to stopping it

The petitioner, a lobby group dubbed ‘Tunza mtoto’, moved to court to seek conservatory orders stopping or suspending the program arguing that the county government would have bypassed the role of the national government.

‘Tunza mtoto’ further charged  that the program will consume 501 billion from the county coffers had not received any authorization by the national government .

According to the lobby the program is meant to be undertaken by the devolved unit.

Governor Johnson Sakaja has maintained that the ‘Dishi na County’ program for schools will achieve maximum turnout among children in Nairobi .

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