Justice Oscar Angote of the Environment and Land Court has stopped the construction of a 16-storey apartment at City Park Drive.
This is after locals complained of its lack of a sewer line that puts their health at risk.
Some of the allegations are on whether the 50-plus houses that were on the suit property were demolished with the permission of Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS), and whether the waste management system has been put in place among other measures required under the Physical and Land use planning Act.
“There is a significant mushrooming of high rise developments in Nairobi which are gaining permission swiftly from the county government and other agencies,” Justice Angote said.
The Judge issued the temporary orders compelling the defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Services to stop any further development on City Park Drive, Parklands.
The development is being undertaken by Harambee Sacco and Cooperative Society Limited, among others.
NMS opposed the application saying the court lacked jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter. NMS said there is already another suit pending at the National Environment Tribunal filed by same parties raising similar issues. Harambee claimed the same thing saying orders being sought are pending determination before the Tribunal.
Directions will be issued by judge on October 23, 2023.