Somali’s President Suspends Prime Ministers powers

Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, suspends the powers of Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble in the latest power row between them.

Farmajo,as the president is aliased, accused the prime minister of making quick decisions and poor working ethics in the Presidents office

Articles 87 and 90 of Somalia’s provisional constitution, Farmajo said Roble, who also served as chief minister, violated the constitution. There has been no immediate comment from Roble.

The statement from the president’s office further stopped Robles’ powers recruiting and laying offers the await the completion of the country’s ongoing election process. The delayed elections are set for this November.

These men are also at loggerheads with the firing of former National Intelligence and Security Agency Director Fahad Yassin . He was dismissed in connection with the investigation into the disappearance of female spy Ikran Tahlil Farah back in June.

U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed Monday visited Mogadishu and appealed to both men to put their differences aside so they can focus on the already delayed polls.      

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