Kenya expects a revamp of 72,000 AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines this week

Kenya is set to receive 72,000  AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines from the Covax facility this week.

The vaccines have been re-distributed from South Sudan.

This after the country’s government said they could not use them before their expiry date.

The country’s Health Minister Mayen Machout says they are unable to use the doses.

He aided the claims to the delay by the country’s parliament to approve the vaccine. 

South Sudan received 132,000 AstraZeneca doses from Covax in March.

It now hopes to use the remaining doses before they expire in July.

Meanwhile, Kenya has received 34,000 face masks through the National Youth Council (NYC), from Sigma Pharmaceuticals based in the UK.

The partnerships will see vulnerable youth receive the masks countrywide.

While receiving the masks at NYC office in Upper Hill Nairobi, ICT CS Joe Mucheru urged young people to be at the fore front fighting against Covid-19.

He also expressed confidence in the BBI document, saying it has a number of benefits for the Kenyan youth.

This is even as the document was rendered unconstitutional by the high court.

Together with Sigma Pharmaceuticals, NYC pledges to ensure the youth are equipped with proper protective gear to prevent Covid-19.

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