12 days to the Bonchari by election ,the ODM party stepped up its campaigns for their candidate Pavel Oimeke.
Oimeke said he is firmly in charge nd expects to deliver victory for the ODM party .
Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission says it has so cleared 13 Candidates for the Bonchari by-election which will take place May on 18th this year.
Among the candidates vying for the seat include; Eric Oigo of National Reconstruction Alliance , David Ogega of Kenya Social Congress and Margaret Nyabuto of Maendeleo Chap Chap .
Oimeke resigned from EPRA to vie for the seat amid an ongoing corruption case in court.
Others candidates include Kevin Mosomi of the Party of Democracy Unity (PDU), Jonah Onkendi Ondieki of the New Democrats (TND) and Charles Mogaka Ndege of Progressive Party of Kenya (PPK).
Also cleared is Teresa Bitutu, who is the late Bonchari MP John Oroo Oyioka’s widow. She will fly the UDA flag and Jeremiah Atancha of Agano party
The seat fell vacant following the death of the area MP John Oroo Oyioka who succumbed to COVID-19