LSK president, Havi vows to not retract to memoranda against Koome

The tussle between the nominee for Chief Justice Martha Koome And Law Society of Kenya president Nelson Havi intensified today after Havi dared Koome to do her worst.

He vowed not to apologize or retract the memoranda he presented to the judicial service commission during the recent interviews.

In his memoranda, Havi had questioned Koome’s handling of three cases saying she was influenced by nepotism, favoritism and improper motive and that she often ruled in favor of the executive.

In his letter to Koome’s lawyers, Havi alleged a plot to intimidate him against questioning Koome’s suitability ahead of her second round of vetting by the justice and legal affairs committee which has already urged the public to submit information on her suitability.

According to Havi, the issues raised before the High Court may never be resolved and will encumber subsequent actions and decisions by the JSC.

“This development does not inspire confidence in the independence of the Judiciary and the JSC,” goes the letter.

Havi’s response to Koome’s lawyers came as the JSC vetting panel commenced interviews for candidates seeking the position of Supreme Court judge.

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