Ex Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko is expected in court today.
This is after the Anti-Corruption court ordered him to appear before court for the hearing of his graft case.
Magistrate Douglas Ogoti warned of consequences if Sonko fails to attend court. The last time Sonko attended trial before Ogoti was January 26 and has since been away on medical grounds.
Ogoti said a psychiatric report shows the former governor has no mental illnesses and stands fit for trial.
This comes after his lawyers produced a psychiatrist’s report showing that Sonko is mentally unfit to stand trial which prompted the Magistrate to issue an order for another test.
In his ruling Mr. Ooko said, “I have perused all the medical reports and the Kahawa magistrates’ court’s ruling about Sonko. Nowhere has it said he cannot stand trial and neither is he incapacitated such that he can’t follow the proceedings.”
The test was conducted by four independent medical doctors from the Kenyatta National Hospital.
However, the court dismissed a medical report obtained from private doctors and presented by Sonko’s defense lawyers. It said that the same reports were obtained two weeks after the court made an order that he be examined at KNH.
According to a report dated 24th February, Sonko’s mental status was normal and that there was no indication of his inability to attend court proceedings.
The doctors said that the patient showed no abnormal mannerism and that he was calm, with no restlessness and his speech was normal in volume.
They added that his thoughts were logical and coherent, saying that Sonko maintained eye contact and had no delusional thoughts but was in a low mood.
Sonko is facing two corruption cases, with a hearing of the second graft case also underway, in which he and four others are accused of embezzling 14.1 million shillings.