Feb, 8th 2021 – The teachers service commission will today begin interviews to fill over 15,000 positions advertised for promotion. If the two week process ends successfully, over 90,000 teachers will have been promoted during the current financial year.
The Kenya National Union of Teachers has however opposed the plan under the new guidelines by TSC which majorly focus on performance. According to a press release by TSC the interviews will be conducted in 48 centres spread across the country.
Teachers will not need to travel to Nairobi as the commission will go out to all counties and meet shortlisted teachers.
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia said, “The interviewees will not need to travel to Nairobi, but the commission will go out to all counties and meet shortlisted teachers there.”
TSC is set to promote the teachers based on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) that KNUT is opposed to. CPGs were developed in 2018 to help the commission in tracking the career growth of teachers. These guidelines are meant to guide the recruitment, retention, development, training and promotion of teachers to ensure they meet the set standards.
The requirements for the intervieewees is that they have to meet the minimum qualifications per grade. This is depending on the grade they have been shortlisted for.
Successful interviewees must have relevant Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules. The teachers are also expected to undergo professional development training a total of six times in their career as each module takes a period of five years.
The interview panel is looking at the interviewees experience and performance.