Kenya Power Announces 13.7% Drop in Electricity Bills Starting May, Easing Burden on Consumers

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Kenya Power has announced a 13.7% decrease in electricity bills effective May, a move aimed at providing much-needed respite to consumers grappling with the burden of high living costs.

This announcement, made on Monday, comes on the heels of a notable reduction in fuel prices by up to Sh10, as stipulated by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority, following months of relentless price hikes.

Fred Siror, the Managing Director of Kenya Power, attributed the reduction in electricity prices to two primary factors: the fortification of the Kenyan Shilling and a decline in the cost of fuel utilized for electricity generation.

“We are happy to note that the reduction has given reprieve to our customers and we are optimistic that the prevailing macro-economic environment and the improved hydrology, which enables us to dispatch less thermal power, will sustain the benefit to our customers,” Kenya Power Managing Director & CEO Joseph Siror said.

He expressed his contentment with the relief this adjustment would afford to customers, articulating confidence that the favorable macro-economic climate coupled with improved hydrology conditions would sustain these beneficial outcomes.

A customer under the Domestic Customer 1 (DC1) tariff band (those consuming less than 30 units per month of electricity) will pay Sh629 in April 2024 compared to Sh729 for similar units in March 2024, representing a 13.7 percent reduction.

Similarly, a customer under the Domestic Customer 2 (DC2) tariff (averaging 31–100 units per month) will pay Sh1,574 in April 2024 compared to Sh1,773 in March 2024, representing a 11.2 percent reduction.

Those under the Domestic Customer 3 (DC3) tariff band (averaging more than 100 units per month) will pay Sh3,728 in April 2024 compared to Sh4,127 in March, representing a 9.7 percent reduction.

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