By Kariuki Winnie.
Hey pearls,
This is probably a phrase you have heard or seen on memes that is mostly directed to couples. Well, I’m not saying that you’ll break up, no; in fact, I hope that you last forever. While your relationship may last forever, your problems won’t.
You probably think you will never get over that breakup or divorce, get out of debt or financial problems you are in right now, that you will never get a job, the struggling relationship with your loved one will not get any better, you will not heal from the sickness you are suffering from or the trauma you’ve experienced.
That may be the narrative in your head but I assure you, that pain, hurt, despair or anger that you are feeling right now will not last forever. I’ll prove it to you.
Think about something you were really sad or angry about last week. Now think about that one time you thought the world would come to an end –when you got that job termination letter, got those disappointing results, read that break up text.
When you were convinced that you couldn’t make it past whatever you were going through. It took a minute to remember, right? Or maybe you were not able to recall.
If you did recall, you probably did not feel as angry or hurt as you were when it happened. You are more calm, maybe even smiling at the thought. Did the world come to an end? You are reading this right now so it didn’t.
Problems and negative experiences have a way of illuminating and looking five times bigger and long lasting. This is because our brains have negativity bias that overemphasizes negative experiences as a way of “protect us.”
Basically our brains instill fear to protect us from threatening situations. It could also be as a result of anxiety. This means, we have work to do, to overcome this bias and counter the narrative our brains try to give us
While I am not invalidating your feelings or problems you are going through right now, they are absolutely valid. It is okay to feel however you re feeling right now. I am simply reminding you that it will not last forever.
Days, weeks or months from now you will probably not remember it. And if you do you will be smiling at the fact that you conquered it. You will be testifying that you made it through and encouraging others.
Romans 8:18 backs this up- “I consider our present sufferings not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
So, mtaachana tu, not you and partner but you and the problems you are going through right now. And when you do, please celebrate that break up. Because so much better will be on its way- a better job, better friendship or relationship, a better financial situation and generally a better life. Believe for it.
Sending you love and light,