‘We say no to talks, we are going to act’- Wamalwa on Bipartisan talks

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya have declined calls by the Kenya Kwanza coalition to resume bipartisan talks stating that it is time for action.

The seven member committee representing the ruling coalition in the bipartisan talks had earlier today called for a meeting on the 4th of July, the opposition describing the calls baseless and causeless.

Speaking at the Kamukunji rally, Democratic Action Party leader Eugene Wamalwa says the President William Ruto led coalition has refused to soften its stance on reducing the cost the living by imposing punitive taxes.

“Having imposed on us the punitive taxation measures contained in the Finance Act 2023, in complete disregard of our views, we declare an end to the talks to which we had sent our delegation in the hope that Kenya Kwanza will show interest in resolving the pro-people issues including the cost of living. It is time for action,” reads part of the resolutions read out by Former Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa.

According to Eugene Wamalwa, the decision to call off the talks was part of declarations the party has made as it plans to embark on a campaign of civil disobedience including refusal to pay taxes.

“We shall convene on Sabasaba – July 7, to unveil a program for civil disobedience to force the Ruto regime to go home,” he stated.

“ We shall embark on mass signature collection to signal the withdrawal of our sovereignty from officials of this illegitimate regime including William Ruto. Shall pursue collaboration and joining of forces with the civil society for the sake of our nation.”

The committees of the two political sides had taken a break on the talks as the end of the parliament made final preparations to usher in 2023/2024 financial year.

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