Muchelule-Led Tribunal Reconvenes Highlighting Of Written Submissions

IEBC suspended commissioner Irene Masits lawyer Donald Kipkorir has  accused the Muchelule led tribunal for  summoning  witnesses who testified against his client.

Speaking during the Muchelule led tribunal Kipkorir said the tribunal proceeded with evidence outside of the law making the tribunal and the election commision  one body.

President William Ruto appointed the tribunal to investigate the conduct of former IEBC Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera and commissioners Justus Nyang’aya, Francis Wanderi, and Irene Masit. Cherera , Nyang’aya and Wanderi however resigned but Masit stayed on to face the tribunal. 

Meanwhile the president has already announced vacancy for commissioners after Wafula Chebukati and the other two commissioners left after the expiry of their tenure. 

The tribunal heard that the Azimio Campaign, led by the National Security Advisory Council accompanied by Raila Odinga’s lieutenants Raphael Tuju and former Busia Senator Amos Wako, had lobbied the IEBC team led by former Chairperson Wafula Chebukati to moderate the final results and declare a run-off in the event that the Kenya Kwanza candidate William Ruto was leading.

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