A private Christian school in North Carolina is apologizing after it baptized more than 100 children without notifying parents.
This follows a Facebook announcement that over 100 middle and high school students spontaneously declared their faith and got baptized.
Although most comments on the Facebook page were positive, the school acknowledged that parents may have wanted to attend.
In a letter to parents, the school head Renee McLamb, said the baptism ceremony had already been scheduled with a specific number of children set to be baptized, with parents in attendance.
He added that several more children felt moved by God and requested to be baptized.
“Please believe that it was not the intention of any faculty member to do anything behind a parent’s back or in any kind of secret way,” McLamb wrote in the letter. “We have always notified and invited parents to be a part of the baptisms that happen on the campus.”
“Truly, the Lord began to move this morning, and we were so excited about what the Lord was doing,” McLamb wrote.
“Several students had given their lives to the Lord during Spiritual Emphasis Week, and they were scheduled to be baptized this morning.
But the Spirit of the Lord moved, and the invitation to accept the Lord and be baptized was given, and the students just began to respond to the presence of the Lord.”