Chief Justice Martha Koome has Launched the Kenya Judicial Bench Book on Labour Trafficking in Persons, which is an easily accessible reference guide that will enhance effectiveness in the administration of justice.
Koome added that the growth of trafficking in recent times is fueled by the negative consequences of globalization, particularly advancement in communication and transportation, unemployment, poverty and ineffective enforcement of anti-trafficking laws among other factors.
The first lady chief justice on her take noted that trafficking is a serious violation of human rights that calls for concerted and coordinated efforts by all those involved to root out the conditions that enable the crime to thrive and also ensure that the perpetrators of these abuses are brought to justice.
While lauding the efforts by the stakeholders behind the initiative for conceiving the idea of developing this bench book the president of the supreme court added that drawing on the country’s local and comparative jurisprudence, the bench book will make it available to Judges, Judicial officers and other users a wealth of learning that will enable competent and effective resolution of disputes.
Koome finalized by commending the fact that the bench book includes good judicial practices for managing Trafficking in Persons cases,’ this will ensure that the law is administered expeditiously and effectively