CS Margaret Kobia [Photo: DailyTrends]
The government on Thursday launched the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA) – Huduma Kenya Partnership.
The authority which has been created under the Unclaimed Financial Assets Act, No.40 of 2011, aims at reuniting unclaimed assets with their rightful owners.
According to Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens Affairs and Special Programmes Cabinet Secretary (CS) Margaret Kobia, the move is a significant milestone towards sustainability.
“This partnership launch is in line with government policies of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in public service delivery through the ‘Whole of Government’ approach, leveraging on ICT which holds the promise towards the realization of Vision 2030,” said Kobia.
She further noted that currently, UFAA manages a total worth of 55 billion shillings of unclaimed financial assets from different holders.
The reunification of these assets has the potential to impact positively on the micro-economic wellbeing of Kenyans.