[Photo: The Guardian]
Google is awarding a 1 million dollar grant to support programs helping women entrepreneurs across Africa to grow their businesses.
It will also provide free tools to support the women grow their businesses.
These tools include Google Business Profile which helps businesses create a free webpage which allows business owners access to a series of free and custom-designed lessons on the go.
This is as research shows that 58 percent of small and medium-sized business Entrepreneurs in Africa are women, they are less likely to receive funding and investment.
“Despite this, women-run businesses show, on average, 34% lower profits than those run by their male counterparts. This is why we are announcing a series of initiatives aimed at providing the support women need to grow their businesses.” said Mojolaoluwa Aderemi Makinde, Head of Brand and Reputation Africa – Google.
Google also announced #LookMeUp, a campaign to showcase women entrepreneurs and tell their stories.
The include the likes of Mary Mwange, CEO and founder of Data Integrated who is driving innovation in the mobile payments sector in Nairobi – Kenya, and Vivian Nwakah in Nigeria who launched Medsaf – a pharma supply chain solution to help Nigerians get access to quality pharmaceutical health care services