DP Ruto challenges opponents to showcase their alternative models

Deputy President William Ruto has defended the bottom-up economic model as the ultimate solution to unemployment and depressed national revenue collection.

According to Ruto, affordable and quality healthcare, creating employment, and business opportunities for the youth, as well as revamping the country’s economy should have been prioritized over the clamor for the Building Bridges Initiative.

While hitting out at critics who term his proposed economic model impractical and empty sloganeering to hoodwink the masses in his state house pursuit, Ruto challenged his opponents to showcase their alternative models.

Additionally, Ruto urged members of Parliament to vote for the national health Insurance fund bill of 2011.

Speaking from his Karen home, the DP said approving the bill will guarantee all Kenyans across the country access to affordable health care services.

Ruto spoke during a meeting with small-scale traders from Nairobi County. Leaders present were MPs George Theuri, Nixon Korir, Millicent Omanga, John Kiarie, Gathoni Wa Muchomba, Bishop Margaret Wanjiru among others.

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