ODM leader Raila Odinga says he confirms his support for the ban on politics in churches, by ACK head Jackson Ole Sapit.
Speaking after the funeral of Grace Muthoni – a sibling of an ODM official in Kiambu county- the leader emphasized that political utterances should be made outside the places of worship.
Additionally, Odinga lauded the church for standing for truth and equality.
Mr. Odinga however, lobbied the Building bridges initiative, saying it would ensure Kiambu gets more funding from the treasury. He added that the drive for constitutional changes is still on.
“The collapse of the BBI means Kiambu county lost a lot. BBI was meant to distribute resources equitably,” the ODM chief said at Ngecha shopping center.
Backed by Mr. Nyoro and Ms. Shebesh, they described Raila Odinga as the only presidential hopeful who has the interests of Kiambu and Mt. Kenya at heart and a friend of the region who stands for unity.