Anger is an emotion that we all have experienced. Whether in short upset bouts or sporadic outbursts, it’s a feeling that we all know. Anger is a completely normal feeling usually healthy but can, however, lead to destruction if uncontrolled. This article is meant to help you manage and control anger.
- Recognize and accept your feelings of anger
Your blood is rushing fast, your hands are probably shaking, your eyes get watery all of a sudden and your heart is thumping itself out. Could it be anger? Sometimes we experience these physical sensations after certain triggering experiences that upset us.
It is important to recognize and identify these emotions early before we allow them to control us.
2. Find a different way to express yourself e.g. Breathe in and out calmly
Allowing anger to take over often makes us cause more harm than good.
It is important to take deep breaths slowly. This helps one calm down and contain emotions.
Some people find it helpful to count to 10 in their heads before reacting to a situation. This technique can help you choose your words more carefully in the heat of the moment. For those online avoid responding until you clearly understand the impact of your response.
3. Get to the bottom of why you’re feeling this way
When you figure out why you’re angry, it becomes easy to find a solution to the conflict that resulted in the anger. You can ask yourself these questions to help you figure out what angered you;
What made me angry in this situation? Was there another emotion I felt before I felt angry? (e.g. sadness, fear, or hurt) Could I have done something different if I dealt with the situation again?
4. Draw a strategy on how to deal with this and follow it
After you recognize your feelings, get to find ways of how to handle it. There is no problem with getting angry, how you handle your anger is what matters. You can chose to start journaling, talking to a friend or therapist (Carthasize) or practicing mindfulness.
Once you have drafted a suitable strategy, follow it and practice.
5. Pray and study God’s word
Sometimes all you need to do is pray, add some scripture to it and allow yourself to experience God’s peace.
Psalms 119:165- Great PEACE have those who love thy law, NOTHING shall make them stumble.
By Israel Lugadiru