With an expected official launch next month, the Nairobi metropolitan services is running a test ride at the green park terminus today to iron out any issues that may arise before the official launch of the park.
The activity that started at 6am and expected to end at 9am Tuesday will see all PSVs from the Nairobi railway station stage do a test run of dropping passengers at the new green park terminal.
Engineer Michael Ochieng the Director of Safety and Roads at the Metropolitan Services, said some of the areas they were looking to address have been addressed by 70% and commended the good work that has for far been conducted.
“We’ve seen a 70% score in what we have expected and the next 30% has to be worked on so that we get to 100%,” he added.
He further dismissed assumptions on difficulties in accessibility of commuting around the Central Business District claiming that they have carefully stipulated all measures to serve the people urging people to be positive towards change.
NMS director Major General Mohammed Badi however noted that after the test run PSVs will continue running operations at the railway station until further notice.