Genre: Musical | Romance | Drama
Casts: Steve Barnett, Alan Powell, Gabe Vasquez
Ratings: 6/10
Release Date (Streaming): Mar 26, 2021
Storyline: Will Hawkins, with nowhere else to go, arrives at camp for the first time. His natural instinct is to flee, but he makes friends, meets a father figure, and even meets a girl (Bailee Madison) who awakens his spirit. Most importantly, he eventually has a place to call home.
Thumbs up: Non-believers will raise their fists in the air as the film alternates between zippy original pop anthems and shockingly earnest mash-ups of established Christian songs with abandon. The mashups and choreography are on top.
Thumbs down: For a musical, the script wasn’t captivating despite having a great storyline. Moreover, it’s a little bit predictable and sadly there is Christian content isn’t as much as we could have expected.
All in all, “A week away”, is a family movie and watchable thus grab yourself some popcorns and enjoy or rather sing away through out the movie.