Five killed in Myanmar as security forces open fire on protesters

Demonstrators in Myanmar [Photo: Egypt Independent]

Five people have been killed and several wounded in Myanmar after security forces fired at anti-coup protesters.

So far more than 580 people have been killed in the turmoil in Myanmar since a February 1 coup that ended a brief period of civilian-led democracy.

Nationwide protests and strikes have persisted since then despite the ruling military’s use of lethal force to quell the opposition.

Local news outlets cited witnesses saying there were casualties and repeated gunfire.

The mostly youth-led anti-coup movement’s ability to organize campaigns and share information on social media has been severely crippled by curbs on broadband wireless internet and mobile data services.

Print media has also been halted with demonstrators sharing their message via self-produced A4-sized daily news pamphlets that are shared digitally and printed for distribution among the public.

According to the Association for Political Prisoners advocacy group arrest warrants have been issued for hundreds of people with the junta this week going after scores of influencers, artists and musicians.

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