March, 01,2021 The Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji, says he will provide information on the Case Management system, also known as Uadilifu, and why it is important to digitize the criminal justice system.
The DPP developed and launched the case management system, to enhance the process of case management, and the exchange of information between investigative agencies, the prosecution, and the judiciary.
Haji says, until recently, the criminal justice system has been “very paper-driven” with each stakeholder, sitting within “data silos” that are not easily accessible.
He continued to say that Case management refers to the skills and processes used by actors in the justice system; judicial officers, prosecutors, and other advocates to move and dispense cases.
This process involves: Receipt of files and correspondence from investigative agencies; partner agencies: interested parties and the public amongst others: Case analysis leading to the decision to charge and Court process or in some cases alternatives to it.
This brought issues such as; data tracking, file tracking and no accountability