Feb, 10th 2021 – Government Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna has said that anyone who did not register for the Huduma Namba during the first phase should not worry as there will be a second phase which will start by the end of February.
He added that the process will be continuous as children are born every day and each will need a Huduma Namba. The exercise will be continuous at the Assistant Chief locations.
This comes after he noted that 2.2 million Huduma Number messages have been sent out to Kenyans since the government began issuing the cards. Addressing the press in Nairobi, he said, it was unfortunate that only 300,000 Kenyans have responded to the messages.
He further urged Kenyans to collaborate with the government, on the Huduma Number project, so as to ensure they have access to the required services. “When you get this message, please respond to it so that it makes it easy to be assisted.”
Oguna also warned of fraudsters demanding money from the citizens for the cards where citizens have been asked to provide a total of sh100 in order to get the cards.
He said, “Huduma Namba card is free. Nobody should be asked to pay anything. The message you receive is coming from Huduma Namba. It will not come as a telephone number. It will come the same way you receive a message from Safaricom or Airtel.”
He said that the cards will only be issued out to Kenyans over the age of 18 while those below, will only get the cards when they attain the age of 18 years.“Those who will be eligible are Kenyans who have attained the age of majority, 18 and above. Those who are below that age will have the number but not the card.“
He added, “So when a child is born, instead of being given the normal ordinary number that is contained on the birth certificate, it will be that Huduma Namba. So that is the number that child will have until that child has attained the age of 18 upon which the child will be issued with huduma namba card.”