Seven in ten Kenyans are expressing willingness to invest in electric vehicles in a bid to combat the effects of climate change.
A new survey conducted by Epson, which involved 30,000 respondents in 39 markets globally shows that 72.1 percent of them are likely to embrace EVs.
Prolonged droughts and intermittent rainfalls have become frequent occurrences in Kenya, affecting millions of farmers and pastoralists.
The State Department of Livestock confirmed that the country had lost 2.5 million herd of livestock, with the remaining 10 million in the drylands going without pasture and water.
Researchers have linked climate change to the severity and frequency of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and locust invasions.
The survey also indicated that most Kenyans are optimistic that climate disasters can be reversed, falling from 76 percent last year to 75.2 percent this year.