Good friends care for each other, close friends understand each other, but true friends stay forever beyond distance, beyond time.
When God extended his hand to humanity, the first friendship in creation began. He sought out the companionship of those he had produced at first. The triune God has had perfect friendship inside the Godhead since the beginning of time. He didn’t require our companionship, but He wanted His creaturely image bearers to share in it, so He made man and woman and walked beside them as friends. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve shattered that connection by their sin, but God replied by extending friendship to us once more through Jesus Christ. “No one has greater love than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends,” Jesus stated (John 15:13). And He did lay down His life to put an end to the enmity that had arisen.
Friendships are meant to be fun and authentic. To achieve this kind of friendship, you have to put in somethings into consideration.
1. Availability.
Be present during key events or moments, whether painful or happy. Speak up for a buddy when they are in need. When they are confronted with injustice, illness, or dishonor, be present with them. Showing emotional support at these difficult times makes a” mark” on your friendship’s sincerity. Whether or not you stood up for your friends will be remembered. Likewise, be present for your friend at key milestones or celebrations. Galatians 6:2, Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.
2. Intentionality.
It’s crucial to take the time to ensure that your friendship has a positive and healthy balance in your life. Both individuals need to have a fair dosage of vulnerability, consistency, stability, and good intentions on both sides to create successfully balanced friendships. Make a conscious effort. Consider why you want to befriend someone. Is your friendship founded on genuine mutual respect, fun, and learning?
3. Active listening.
Learn to listen. This may appear to be the most straightforward aspect of friendship, but it may be tough. Our nervousness, the idea that we need to solve our friend’s problems, and thinking about how to reply while listening all come in the way of active listening. We gain the right to talk by being good listeners.
4. Creating a safe space.
Genuinely share your experiences. When you open your heart and share your story, your connections take on a new level of authenticity. Avoid overthinking things because it will make the conversation unpleasant. Genuineness is valued by every one of your friends, regardless of their origins or where they are from around the globe.
5. Genuine love.
True love with a best friend usually entails being comfortable in front of each other. Most of the time that kind of ease appears to stem from a deep sense of similarity. We naturally feel competitive in some respect when we meet a buddy, someone who feels like an equal and reciprocal other, someone who is also a mirror.1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.
When forming sincere and authentic friendships, consider availability, intentionality, active listening, creating a safe space for each other, and genuine affection. Having a true friend with whom you can confide, open up, and relate has a significant impact on our lives. Genuine connections give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Authentic friendships decrease stress, promote self-awareness, and aid in the recovery from prior traumas. Pray about it while you concentrate on developing genuine friendships so that God can link you with genuine individuals.