Called to change? Sign up for the Kingdom Life Mentorship Program

.Ahead of the upcoming Kingdom Life Mentorship Program by Njeri Muchunu Global Limited, we shall seek to find solutions the program shall be providing on formed lifestyles. Njeri Muchunu, a seasoned life coach, mentor, teacher, podcaster and the minister of the word has convened a seven-week mentorship program that will radicalize a new army of leaders who have been called to bring change in this generation.

The shift of power from those in power to the electorate necessitating the program begs the question, what then it takes to be a leader of influence and relevance?
I asked Njeri Muchunu what is the motivation behind the Kingdom Life Mentorship Program? First of all, it was an instruction by God. So I live on instruction. He says, you do, you do.

Number two, Kenya is at a crossroads. I’m sure you guys have seen; we are not business as usual. It is business unusual.

Today, there is the impeachment of the deputy president in our nation. This is something unheard of. This is, there must be something spiritual at play for such things to happen.

We only see with our eyes but we should look with our spiritual eyes and ask, what is God saying? I am fully convinced that Kenya is at a crossroads. Things are completely changing. Leadership will never be the same after this season.

With close to a decade in the business of nurturing leaders and identifying God given abilities among people, what will be so special about this program starting from the 1st of November to the 13th of December? You want to learn how to be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove. You want to know how to infiltrate the system as a Jesus lover and nobody knowing and finding out that you love Jesus until you get to the top where you are trusted and then you can move and shape things? Do you want to understand how government works in kingdom? Because one of the blessings that God gave us is to have dominion, right? We are the kings and we are the priests. We are the ones who are supposed to be running the show.

We are the ones who are supposed to be on the horses but we are the slaves. Do you know how, do you want to understand how you can turn your life around and working for a purpose that is greater than yourself? You must have this thing in your heart. This program is not for everybody.

Let me just tell you Kingsley, it’s not for everybody. You must have that calling within you telling you, God is calling you and telling you, you’re the one I want to use. You’re the one that I want to use to change the entertainment industry.

You’re the one I want to use to change the education industry. You’re the one that will talk to families because families are broken down. You are the one I am calling.

You can hear the voice of Jesus when you’re hearing my voice. Njeri says the program has lined up a number of activities that will aid in the learning, namely… So I will teach, I will counsel, we will interact, we will do some group work, right? I will get to understand what is the calling that God has, what is it that you sense God has called you to and how sure are you? So I will push you to make sure that you are actually sure that this is what God is telling you and it’s not just fun times, you know, like you know, I feel I want to, it’s not a desire, you know, there’s a desire, there’s a strong desire and there’s something that you can know deep within you, this is a call from God. It holds water.

Another thing, if you’re there and you have been called by God, you will desire to step out in faith. This will be an outcome. This will be an outcome.

An army will be raised. I promise you, an army will have been raised and we will stoke each other to good works, right? And we will cheer each other on. We will, these seven weeks will just be the beginning.

Who knows where God is going to take us? Who knows? So it’s just the beginning of a coming together of a community of like-minded individuals who believe that Kenya is at a crossroads and that you are the person God has chosen to steer Kenya in a different direction. And to ensure that each and every learner is accorded a conducive environment for growth. We will be holding the seven-week program at Westlands Banqueting Center by Pride Inn, right? Can you just give that again? It is the Westlands Banquet Center by Pride Inn and it is along Westlands Road.

It’s a nice cozy place with parking. We’ll have some nice bitings, of course, and then we will get to talk. And the program runs from 4 to 7p.m. every Friday.

So the reason why I put it 4 to 7p.m. because Fridays are easier days for most people. And then, of course, being a Friday, you have Saturday so you can rest and then think about what we discussed. And then when Monday comes, you can start implementing these things.

So then when we come again on Friday, we regroup and discuss how did your week go. Leadership roles are found in all spheres of influence. Njeri observing that the seven weeks program is catered for all.

Since I was very young, I always felt this uneasiness, this restlessness, and I would wonder, why are leaders doing things the way they’re doing? Why is it that people are so selfish? They want to go there and do things. It’s all about themselves. Even when I was employed, because I was employed for a long time, even in employment, my bosses, I would wonder, why? Why do you have to be horrible? Why do you have to be mean? Why do you have to be so, you know, self-driven? You’re just doing things for yourself and to gain.

So as I grew up, I always felt this thing inside of me telling me, there’s more to life than this. There’s more to life than this. So that even towards the end of my employment, into deployment, my last years I served in government.

And I don’t think it’s a coincidence because the Lord that I serve is not a God of coincidences. And when I was leaving there, he told me, it is time. Every training you’ve gone through, everything that I have taught you, it is now time for you to go and spread the word and teach others what I have taught you.

Right? Leadership is not easy. It requires a certain kind of person. Even for me, I did not get to where I am by myself.

I have mentors all over the world who have held my hand. And let me tell you something about leadership. You will not be liked.

A true leader who does things through justice, righteousness, and for the glory of Jesus, people will not like you. Because they’ll ask, you think you’re better than us? You think you’re doing this? And then there’s no self-gain. So people don’t understand you’re doing this selflessly? You don’t want to gain anything from it. You don’t want people to praise you.

No. It’s about justice and righteousness all to the glory and honor of our King. I hear you completely. And talking about leadership stems from the basics of units that we have, including families or even a social circle.

But you’re talking about a leadership system or rather a current generation where leadership has been tampered with a lot of mistrust, infiltrated for lack of a better word. What’s your goal or who are you targeting? Are you targeting politicians? Are you targeting CEOs? Who are your main focus on transforming lives?

I target everybody who senses they have a call to leadership. For you to be a leader you don’t have to be a CEO.

We need leaders in the family sector. We need leaders in the churches. We need leaders in politics and governance.

We need leaders in the entertainment industry. I mean if you look at our society right now, the entertainment industry is pear-shaped. It’s gone completely pear-shaped.

The kind of songs, the kind of music we are listening to, what is it doing to our children? What kind of sound are they hearing? What are we transmitting to our children? Are we trying to tell them that gyrating and being naked is cool? Right? Why can’t we bring back our morals in our society? Right? Leadership is across, it cuts across all sectors, education, culture. Now if these leaders come together, imagine people of high moral standing, driven by a force that is greater than themselves, coming together and deciding we are going to change Kenya for the sake of the next generation to the glory of our King. Can you visualize such a Kenya?
And what will be the outcome of the mentorship program I asked?
Because I will call you out, I will rebuke, I will mold, I will encourage, we will cry, we will laugh, we will do all these things, we will pray.

But ultimately we will gather an army that will stand for Kenya and say Kenya belongs to Jesus. And because of us, the ones who will come together, Kenya will never be the same. And this is a promise that God has given.

We come together, join forces and believe in one thing, that Kenya will change because Jesus called us. Right? The Gen Z’s are the new breed of leaders, not only the Gen Z’s that age group, but the younger leaders who have always felt they have this voice but nobody is giving them a chance to stand and speak. This is the opportunity.

This is the opportunity that your mind will be changed, your way of thinking will be changed, the way you see the Word of God will be changed. You will be the walking epistle. You don’t have to say I’m a lover of Christ.

People will see it. We have been told we need to be the walking epistle. You might be the only person; you may be the only person or the only Bible a person will read.

And after the seven weeks, what do you visualize in the spheres of influence among all the attendees?
Where everything is working. People are not hungry. People are happy.

Hospitals are working. The education system is functional. Government are doing the right thing for the sake of the people.

Corruption has come to a complete end. Imagine such a nation. That’s the nation I look forward to.

And I cannot do it alone. I need others. So I’m calling them.

Come, let us do this together. Another thing I want to tell you about payment because people like to know how much does it cost. It is, we’re charging Kes. 40,000 for the seven weeks and it is payable in installments.

And we are willing to have conversations on how these installment payments can be done. But I want to caution people. Remember it’s not about money.

It’s not about how whether I can afford it or I cannot afford it. If you truly feel that God has called you and money is an issue, sign up. Reach out.

Let us have a discussion. Because if he has called you, he will make the way. This you cannot miss.

And so sign up today. And that’s it for this week’s episode of Business Solutions. Until next time.

Catch Kingsley Oluoko every Monday 10 a.m. and the rerun on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. for solutions provided by businesses on Formed Lifestyles on 96.9 FM Pearl Radio.

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