Rachael Ruto inaugurates women’s convocation a day to the 21st national prayer breakfast

The First Lady Rachel Ruto hosted women drawn from various parts of the country in the inauguration of the women

Speaking during the event, the First Lady appealed to Kenyans to incorporate prayer in their daily activities urging them to remember praying for God`s grace among leaders even as they govern the country.

She commended Parliamentary Christian Women Caucus for initiating the idea of the convocation urging them to continue promoting the initiative.

Speaking at the event, the Second Lady Pastor Dr. Dorcas Rigathi reminded women of their key role in the success of the nation, encouraging them to strongly come out and play their role effectively.

“The woman is at the centre of the agenda of God, without a woman many things would not have happened,” explained Pastor Dorcas.

In attendance was the First Daughter of the Republic of Uganda Pastor Patience Museveni Rwabogo who urged Kenyans to stay hopeful and  embrace repentance and prayer for God’s intervention in challenging situations.

She noted that many of the challenges facing most African countries were inherited from the forefathers and therefore need redemption.

“The modern face of corruption is an old sin and as you know, demons don’t die, they just rebrand, we therefore need to repent and denounce the old sin,” said Pastor Patience.

Several other dignitaries graced the occasion among them the Chairperson of the Council of Governors and Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru, Diplomats from the United Kingdom, United States of America, Uganda, Serbia, Australia and India among other nation

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